Monday, February 28, 2022

February 28 = Life of Christ #041 Religious Leaders Ask Jesus About Fasting (Matthew 9:14-17; Mark 2:18-22; Luke 5:33-39)

Disciples Not Fasting
Matthew 9:14-17
Mark 2:18-22
Luke 5:33-39

  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • Why is Jesus questioned about fasting?
  • What is Jesus implying by the parable? (Luke 5:34-35) (Luke 5:36-39) How does this relate to Levi's call and to the disciples not fasting?
  • What is the new cloth? Old garment? New wine? Old wineskins?
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How will I

  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

A Fast Question (Luke 5:33-39) by Toby Levering

Friday, February 25, 2022

February 25 = Life of Christ #040 Matthew (Levi) is Called (Matthew 9:9-13; Mark 2:13-17; Luke 5:27-32)

Matthew (Levi) is Called (Galilee)
Matthew 9:9
Mark 2:13,14
Luke 5:27,28

A famous person you admire is coming to dine with you tomorrow. What would you do to get ready?
  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • Tax collectors lined their pockets with money they collected. How might the disciples (Luke 5:1-11) feel about Jesus' choice?
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How will I
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

Some Unusual Suspects (Luke 5:27-32) by Toby Levering

Eating With Sinners
Matthew 9:10-13
Mark 2:15-17
Luke 5:29-32

  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • Why choose Levi? What is the irony here? (Luke 5:31-32)
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How will I
  • In this story, what do you have to do to qualify as a disciple?
  • In the way you relate to "undesirable types," are you more like Levi (inviting them to your party), the Pharisees (looking down on them), or the disciples (unsure what to do)? Why?
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.
Mark 2:16 ‐‐  “When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw Him eating with the ‘sinners’ and tax collectors, they asked His disciples: ‘Why does He eat with tax collectors and “sinners”?’" 

The life of a follower of Christ is a pretty “cush” place to be – eternal life without fear of what comes after death; abundance and peace personally delivered by the Spirit of God; and nice friends who are comfortable being around.  It would be easy to focus only on what Christ has brought you… if it weren't for those five pesky words after the first and greatest commandment – “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  

If eternal life, peace, abundance, and the fellowship of believers are great for you, surely you love the unbeliever enough to want them to have the same?  Human nature is comfortable with gravitating towards that which is easiest and most pleasurable, but Jesus constantly demonstrated a lifestyle that cared more about others.  Jesus lived an intentional life to love others:  When He and His followers were hungry, He saw the hunger of the 5,000; when Jesus was being wined and dined by the rich and powerful, He saw a repentant woman who was worshipping Him with her treasured possession; when Jesus was pressed in by the crowds desiring to hear and see Him, He saw their oppressed and helpless nature; when cultural norms expected certain behavior, Jesus responded according to the person’s soul and not cultural norms.  

Jesus could have easily just fed Himself, enjoyed the adulation of the rich and famous, quenched His thirst, and found gratification in the thousands clamoring to Him… but He loved others more than Himself.  His every movement, every word, and every opportunity were filled with being used by God to touch the lives of others no matter the discomfort, cost, or inconvenience.  

In John 4:34 Jesus revealed to His disciples His passion when they challenged His time with the woman at the well, “My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of Him Who sent Me and to finish His work.”  The Father’s work for Jesus was to love people.  Loving people was not a ministry project, but the very nourishment and fulfillment of His life.  Bringing others to the throne of God to have eternal life and to experience His abundance was His greatest joy.  

Pray for God not only to give you opportunities to be “salt and light” for Christ, but that your soul and spirit are fed by loving others more than yourself.  Pray that your soul hungers for the opportunity to share Christ and His love so that you are filled with the love of Christ!

John 13:34‐35 ‐‐ “A new command I give you:  Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another."  

Other Resources:
An Outsider's Story

Further Reading
The Kingdom of God as a New Way of Living in the World

Thursday, February 24, 2022

February 24 = Life of Christ #039 Paralytic Healed (Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26)

Paralytic Healed (Capernaum)
Matthew 9:1-2
Mark 2:1-5
Luke 5:17-20

Who were your 4 closest friends in high school? What was one memorable prank you pulled off together?
  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  •  How might the Pharisees and teachers have felt? (Luke 5:17-19, 20, 21-23, 24-26)
  • The man came for healing, so why did Jesus raise the issue of forgiveness? How would the friends react to Jesus' words? (Luke 5:20) To his actions? (Luke 5:24)
  • What new realm of Jesus' authority is demonstrated here?
  • What motivates the Pharisees to respond as they do to the situation?
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How will I
  • Who are you most like in this story? Why?
  • Are you a little paralyzed now -- emotionally, spiritually, relationally? What needs to happen to you to "take your mat and go home"?
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

We Have Seen Remarkable Things (Luke 5:17-26) by Toby Levering

Scribes Question Authority
Matthew 9:3-8
Mark 2:6-12

  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How will I
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

Luke 5:21-26

  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How will I
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

Further Reading
The Son of Man Forgives Sins

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

February 23 = Life of Christ #038 Leper Cleansed (Matthew 8:1-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-16)

Leper Cleansed
Matthew 8:1-4
Mark 1:40-45
Luke 5:12-16

What illness are you most afraid of catching? Why?
  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • By touching the leper before he heals him, what is Jesus demonstrating? (Luke 5:13)
  • Why does Jesus try to silence him? (Luke 5:14)
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How will I
  • When have you felt shunned, like a leper? How did Jesus "touch" you then?
  • Who are the "lepers" in your life? What would it mean for you to touch them for Christ?
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

Be Different: Different Pace by Randy Roper

I Am Willing (Luke 5:12-15) by Toby Levering

Jesus Often Withdrew (Luke 5:16) by Toby Levering

1. Why was leprosy considered bad? (v. 40) (Leviticus 13) Why is the leper unsure of Jesus' desire to help?
2. What is significant about Jesus touching the leper prior to healing him? (v. 41) What do the crowds expect?
3. Jesus said, "Don't tell". (44) Why the secrecy? Why did he disobey and talk? (v. 45)

Further Reading:
“Lepers Healed, the Kingdom of God is Here”

Document for DBS

Series: Be Different “Making Transformative Moves” Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Title: Different Pace

Bookmark: Click Here

Opening Thoughts: What does the pace of your life reveal about the priorities of your life? While observing Sabbath is not commanded for New Testament Christians, practicing Sabbath is an important way to rest, refocus and revel in the goodness of God.

v  Weather can change your pace

o   We are suffering from an epidemic of busyness and distraction.

§  Romans 12:2

o   Your pace of life will reveal your priorities in life


Text: Luke 5:12-16

Jesus Heals a Man With Leprosy

12 While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

13 Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” And immediately the leprosy left him.

14 Then Jesus ordered him, “Don’t tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”

15 Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. 16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.


Summarize the main story: Describe the events of the story in your own words.

v  Review and retell the story.

Reflections for applications:

v  Jesus extracted himself from the masses & the movement of the world to be with God

v  A different pace…

o   Genesis 2:2-3 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

o   Exodus 20:8-10 8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.

o   For many of us the great danger is not that we will renounce our faith. It is that we will become so distracted and rushed and preoccupied that we will settle for a mediocre version of it. We will just skim our lives instead of actually living them. -John Mark Comer quoting John Ortberg in The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

v  Things that considering a different pace will help us do.

o   Reconnect with God

§  If the devil can’t make you bad he will make you busy.

§  Live slowly enough to think deeply about God. J.I. Packer

o   Restore your mind, body & soul

§  Matthew 11:28 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

§  Exodus 31:17 (“(The Sabbath) will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever, for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.”

o   Remember your true identity

o   Revel in the goodness of God

§  Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.


Digging Questions:

·         How will you respond to Be Different?

·         What do these biblical texts tell you about God and His nature?

·         What is God calling us to do?

Take Away Challenges

·         What has the Holy Spirit revealed to you in this passage? How will you apply it to your life this week?

·         Whom do you know who needs to hear this?

·         What is God bringing to your attention in this discussion? What beliefs, thoughts or actions need to be addressed or changed?

Hash tags #Give #Generosity

Sunday sermon link

Kevin’s Blog Link to more resources: Click here for Kevin’s Blog Notes

Comments and resources with some more resources:

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

February 22 = Life of Christ #037 Great Catch of Fish (Luke 5:1-10a)

Great Catch of Fish
Luke 5:1-10a (Lake of Gennesaret)

What was the first paying job you had?
  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • What do you think Simon was thinking and feeling? Luke 5:5, 7, 8
  • How did this miracle affect Peter? Why does it have a more profound effect on him than the healing of his mother-in-law? What is Peter beginning to grasp about Jesus? About Sin? About belief in himself?
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How will I
  • When was the first time, if ever, that you responded to Jesus like Peter did? Luke 5:8
  • In your "fishing business," how do you see Jesus:
    • Interesting, but a slightly irrelevant teacher?
    • Potentially a great business partner -- if you could hire him to work for you?
    • The one who calls all the shots?
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

Simon Simon's other name was Peter. 
leprosy A very bad skin disease. 
show yourself to the priest The law of Moses said a priest must say when a Jew with leprosy was well.

Let Down The Nets (Luke 5:1-11) by Toby Levering

Monday, February 21, 2022

February 21 = Life of Christ #036 Jesus Travels About (Matthew 4:23-25; Mark 1:35-39; Luke 4:40-44)

Jesus Goes Out To Pray

Mark 1:35-38
Luke 4:40,41

  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How will I
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

1. Why did Jesus pray? (v. 35) What might he pray about?
2. Why did they disturb Jesus during prayer and solitude? (v. 37) How might this relate to his decision to move on? (v. 38)

Jesus Preaches Throughout (Galilee)

Matthew 4:23-25
Mark 1:39
Luke 4:42-44

  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How will I
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

Further Reading:

Friday, February 18, 2022

February 18 = Life of Christ #035 Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-law and many others (Matthew 8:14-17; Mark 1:29-34; Luke 4:38-41)

Peter's Mother-in-law Healed.
Matthew 8:14, 15
Mark 1:29-31
Luke 4:38-39

  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How will I
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

He Kept On (Luke 4:38-44) by Toby Levering

Others Healed
Matthew 8:16, 17
Mark 1:32-34
Luke 4:40, 41

  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How will I
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

February 17 = Life of Christ #034 Jesus Teaches At Capernaum (Matthew 8:14-34; Mark 1:21-31; Luke 4:31-39)

Jesus Teaches at Capernaum (Capernaum)
Mark 1:21,22
Luke 4:31,32

  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How will I
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

1. Why do you suppose Jesus started his public ministry in a synagogue? (v. 21)
2. What two things about Jesus amazed the people? (v. 22) Why?
3. What does it mean to teach "with authority"? (v. 22) What was the nature and source of Jesus' authority?

What do You Want With Us? ( Luke 4:31-37) by Toby Levering

Unclean Spirit Healed
Mark 1:23-28
Luke 4:33-37

1. How does Jesus treat the demon possessed? (v. 23)

Peter's Mother-in-law Healed
Matthew 8:14,15
Mark 1:29-31
Luke 4:38,29

1. Why did Jesus "take her hand"? (v. 29)
2. How does Jesus' healing (vv. 30-31) compare with an exorcism? (v. 25) What new realm of authority is seen here?

Others Healed
Matthew 8:16,17
Mark 1:32-34
Luke 4:40,41

1. How do you picture the scene? (vv. 32-34) Why does he silence the demons?
2. After a day like this (vv. 29-34), what pressures could Jesus feel as a new day dawns? Why did Jesus pray? (v. 35) What might he pray about?

Further Reading:
Heralding and Healing