Thursday, April 28, 2022

April 28 = Life of Christ #084 Parable Of The Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13:44)

Parable Of The Hidden Treasure
Matthew 13:44

Parables -
Hidden Treasure and The Great Pearl
Matthew 13:44-46
Making Sacrifice With Joy — I heard a story once about two wealthy Christians, a lawyer and a merchant, who traveled with a group that was going around the world. As they were visiting in Korea, they saw by the side of the road, a field in which a boy was pulling a crude plow and an old man held the plow handles and guided it. The lawyer was amused and took a snapshot of the scene.
 He turned to the missionary, who served as their interpreter and guide, and he said, "That's a curious picture. I suppose they are very poor."
 The guide replied, "Yes, that is the family of Chi Noue. When the place of worship was being built, they were eager to give something to it, but they had no money, so they sold their only ox and gave the money to the church. This spring, they are pulling the plow themselves."
 The men were silent for several moments. Then the businessman replied, "That must have been a real sacrifice."
 The guide said, "They do not call it that. They thought it was fortunate that they had an ox to sell."
 I am reminded of a parable Jesus told: "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." (Matt. 13:44).
 Notice carefully the words "for joy." This man doesn't just sell everything he has; he does so with joy. He doesn't regret it. He doesn't complain about the sacrifice he has to make. In fact, he probably doesn't even consider it to be a sacrifice. He gives a lot for the field, but he gets so much more in return.
 Here are some good words for a wedding or for your marriage: Whatever sacrifice you will be required to make to preserve this common life, always make it generously. Sacrifice is usually difficult. Only love can make it easy; and perfect love can make it a joy.
 The same thing holds true in our walk with Christ. Sacrifices will be necessary, and only a deep love for Christ will make them a joy. The real test of our commitment is not so much whether we are willing to make sacrifices for our Lord, but whether we are able to make those sacrifices with joy.

Questions to Get us Thinking:
What is most likely to be found in storage: trivia, trash, or treasure?
With the proceeds from a garage sale or a moving sale, what worthy item would you purchase?
What analogies do we use today to describe the great value of something?

 Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl—Matthew 13
44“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.
45“Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. 46When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!

Questions to help us “dig deeper” to find the treasure.
1. Why do you think Jesus compared the Kingdom of God to a pearl?
2. What are some misconceptions of the Kingdom that still need to be correcting today?
3. What do these parables teach about the value of the Kingdom?
4. What factors about the world cause God’s ruling activity to be hidden or hard to find?
5. Given the hiddenness of God’s Kingdom, what are the characteristics of people who are most likely to find it?
6. With what emotion and energy should it be pursued?
7. What about God’s Kingdom is of great value to you and why? A. Is it worth more than any thing else? B. I think I’d miss too many of the other things. C. I’m not ready to put all my eggs in one basket.
8. What about God’s Kingdom is of great value to you?
9. What are the characteristics of people most likely to find God’s Kingdom?  John 8:42-44 1 Corinthians 2:10-16 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 2 Corinthians 4:18 Galatians 5:16-26 Philippians 3:19-21    1 John 4:4-6
10. Matthew 11:28-30 promises us rest because Jesus’ yoke is easy and His burden is light. How is this reconciled with the teaching of these two parables to give up all for the Kingdom?
11. In purchasing salvation for us, how did Jesus surpass the “sold all he had” of these two parables?
12. In what ways might it be argued that Jesus made a bad deal, gaining no precious pearl or countless treasure?
13. In what ways might it be argued that Jesus purchased the very best treasure, worth more than all the pearls of every sea or all the treasures in every field?
Questions to helps us live it everyday for The King
1. What are the possible risks and costs we encounter as we seek and find God’s Kingdom today?
2. What most enables you to sacrifice joyfully in order for God to reign through your life?
3. Living in God’s Kingdom, what are you willing to give up? If a person is not experiencing joy when he sacrifices to be a part of God’s Kingdom on earth, what might be wrong?
4. If God is to really rule in your heart, what false “sovereign” in your life must be dethroned?

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